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DynaMight (Preprint Schwab et al. 2023 ) is a tool for analyzing continuous heterogeneity in cryo-EM datasets and using this information to improve the final 3D reconstruction, allowing you to obtain a more accurate and interpretable density map.

To use DynaMight, you will need an already refined 3D map in your project. If you would like to know how to do that in CryoCloud, please head to our short Tutorial. Alternatively, you can import an existing map you would like to process over the archive button.

Starting a DynaMight job

Click the + icon in the post-processing column of your project dashboard and select DynaMight with the parent job you would like to use as input.

DynaMight input setup

In the TrainVAE section, you can set various parameters to train the DynaMight model. Most parameters don't need to be changed, but you should set the following:

  • Refinement star file: jobs/Refine3D/N/ (Replace N with the appropriate job number)
  • Initial model: jobs/Refine3D/N/run_class00X.mrc (Replace N and X with the appropriate job and class numbers). While this field is not a required input, it is highly encouraged to provide an initial model to improve the final result.
  • Particle diameter: Diameter of your particle in Å.
